Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Please Help Support the Move 9 -- Write Letters in Support for Their Parole

Onamove family!
Dear Fatirah,Phil Africa says that the MOVE 9 can really use letters and calls to the PA Parole Board this month and next [February & March]. Letters supporting their release can make a big difference. The Board will be having a hearing in April.

After THIRTY years, our brothers and sisters are finally up for parole. If not given probation this year, they may all be forced to serve another SEVENTY. They have almost completed their minimum sentence [of the 30-100 year sentence].

Let's bring them home where they belong in August 2008!

This April parole hearing is SO important. Letters and calls to the Parole Board now can really help. Phil is asking that folks send copies of their letters to him. He wants to take a pile of copies of our letters to the hearing as a show of public support.

It is probably a good idea for folks to send letters to each of the nine Board members. The chairperson was appointed by Ed "1985 Bomber" Rendell so don't count on her getting your message to the whole Board. Their individual names are on this web page: http://www.pbpp.state.pa.us/pbppinfo/cwp/view.asp?a=3&q=154178&pbppNav=

Letters can all be sent to this address:
[name of Board member]
Pennsylvania Board of Probation and Parole
1101 South Front Street, Suite #5100
Harrisburg, PA 17104-2517
Tel: (717) 787-5699

Please send copies of the letters to Phil at:

William Phillips Africa #AM-4984SCI-Dallas1000 Follies Rd.Dallas, PA 18612For supporters to brush up on the history of MOVE and the "MOVE 9," this recent 45-minute talk by Ramona is great: http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2007/08/27830.php

Letters and phone calls to the Board are needed NOW. Let's bring 'em HOME. 30 years is too much already, 70 more is unthinkable.Peace All!

Ona MOVE!!!


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