Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Ode to the Lions

Detroit is where they built that car named Christine
Despite that the Lions went 0 and 16
Before the season started, they ran out of steam
They weren’t good enough to beat a college team
The ’76 Buccaneers no longer dwell on the bottom
A much worse team, the ’08 Lions got-‘em
The Lions really stink and we all know
Can they go winless two seasons in a row?
The Detroit Lions, that team is dead
At Ford Field with paper bags on your heads
The Detroit Lions, the shame of the city
The NFL’s top loser, so have no pity
The Detroit Lions, they’re such an easy score
The other 31 teams, they pimp that whore
Let’s bash that team from Fawnskin to Scranton
On the first ballot send them losers to Canton.

-Aquil Aziz
Copyright © 2009

1 comment:

Unknown said...

No skills.