Friday, April 10, 2009

!*4/18 Ramona Africa at Hamline Law School!

The NLG midwest regional conference & Hamline Law School's PRISON REFORM PROJECT present:

RAMONA AFRICA AT HAMLINE LAW SCHOOL: Speaking on the legal battle of the MOVE 9, the upcoming MOVE 9 parole hearings, the MOVE organization, Political Prisoners in America and the American Prison System.


St. Paul, Minnesota – Saturday, April 18, 2009 – 1536 Hewitt Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55104 (Hamline Law Building Rm. 105; Located off Pascal St, which intersects Hewitt Ave)

In 1978, when the police raided the MOVE home, the family fled into the basement of their home to avoid the attack, police attempted to flood them out with high-pressure hoses. During the attack, police officer James Ramp was killed by a single gunshot. Nine members of the MOVE family were charged with Ramp´s murder, and received 30-to-100-year sentences.

There is ample evidence that none of the nine was responsible for Ramp´s death. Even television and radio stations initially reported that Ramp was killed by “friendly fire’ from officers firing at the MOVE house. Police--clearly intent on killing MOVE members, including children, trapped inside--had fired over 2,000 rounds of ammunition.

But any evidence that could have supported the defense in the case was destroyed by Philadelphia police following orders from Mayor Frank Rizzo to bulldoze the house, leveling it within hours of the assault. Noted Philadelphia journalist Linn Washington described it as “the fastest destruction of a crime-scene site in history.’

MOVE “9” members Chuck, Debbie, Delbert, Eddie, Janet, Janine, Merle, Mike and Phil Africa were given the excessive sentences on May 4, 1980 by Judge Edward Malmed. When Malmed was a guest on a radio show a few days after the sentencing, journalist Mumia Abu-Jamal called in to ask him who killed Ramp. Malmed replied, “I haven´t the faintest idea.’ He said that since “they call themselves a family, I sentenced them as a family.’

In 1985, the police once again laid siege to the MOVE household. This time they dropped a C4 explosive on the building killing 11 MOVE members. Ramona Africa survived this assault. After surviving the bombing, she was charged with conspiracy, riot, and multiple counts of simple and aggravated assault. Subsequently Ramona served 7 years in prison. Since her release from prison, Ramona has tirelessly worked as the MOVE Minister of Communication on behalf of the MOVE 9, Mumia Abu-Jamal, and all political prisoners and prisoners of war.


For more info on MOVE and to sign a petition calling for the MOVE 9's immediate parole
For info on this event or info on the PRISON REFORM PROJECT contact:

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