Thursday, January 15, 2009

Jewish Racism/Terrorism

After viewing this video clip, WOW! I really don't know what to say. Hamas is labled as terrorist and it's okay for Israel to violate international law by bombing schools and hospitals, civillians, men, women and children. Hamas don't have the weaponry that the Jews have. So they're already at a disadvantage, but they're the terrorists. What's happening in Gaza is a crime against humanity being perpetrated by zionist terrorists in the name of fighting terror. America is pumping money and weapons into Israel and in the meantime, Gaza is suffering a humanitarian crisis of epic proportions. No food, no medicine and far less inferior weaponry. Despite all the brainwashed garbage spewing forth from the people's mouths in the video, I know who the real terrorists are. My heart and prayers go out to the people of Gaza. Don't expect a President Obama to change anything. He will continue the polices and practices that were set up over many years and made worse under the outgoing Bush idiocracy (administration).

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