Thursday, January 31, 2008

Taking Real Action Against Police Brutality

To stop police brutality, we have to kill the roots. Pigs are wildin’ out on our youth and we’re doing nothing about it. Oh yeah, Rev. Al Sharpton comes to town to lead marches. In addition, we hear many good speeches and some good music. In between all the entertainment, we hear the chants of “No Justice, No Peace”. Okay, now we’re dealt injustice after injustice with no end in sight as the [In]Justice department sits stagnant, when do we resort to actions of no peace?

Marches and protests outside of city hall and police headquarters have no effect at all. Prosecutors and civilian review boards and countless lawsuits have not worked either.

What’s to stop the boys in blue from doing us harm if they’re not held accountable? What’s there to stop the rampant abuse and murder if all these officers get is slaps on their wrist?

Who protects us when their system of “due process” and law fails? If whitey refuses to enforce the law in a fair and just manner, is it not our responsibility to protect ourselves?

It’s time Black people use a more radical approach. If we are to survive, then we must defend ourselves in the Name of Allah (God). Otherwise, we’re just propagating another field of victims for state repression at the hands of police. State repression must be resisted and destroyed.

Police are killing our youth, some as young as 12 years old. At the rate we’re going, they’ll be killing our six and seven year olds. What’s to stop cops from gunning down our infants and toddlers? In Pittsburgh, Pamela Lawton’s seven-year old daughter had a gun put in her face, with the officer threatening to kill her child. In the aftermath, Pamela Lawton was charged with disorderly conduct when she called out for help because of the pig threatening to blow her daughter’s head off.

It’s time we stand up and put an end to police repression and murder. Our children is our future and its time we start protecting them like a lioness protecting her cubs, even if it means killing police in the process. Self-defense is not murder; it’s a God-given right and it’s time we start exercising that right!

It’s time we start being victims and start fighting back. It’s time we respond in the language of our open enemies. It’s time we stop riding on each other over infinitesimal bullshit like drugs, turf, gang affiliation, “wrong” looks, and pussy. We must embrace a greater cause for the survival of our people. We must stop sitting around, waiting for the next Black leader to step up and guide us because we are that leader. We’ve had enough leaders and teachers.

Black people must look to the leader within. Our greats like Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X, Marcus Garvey and the most Honorable Elijah Muhammad (The Messenger of Allah) have all served their purpose. In addition, the Messenger left behind for a blueprint to follow. Now the choice is ours. We must take a bolder stance. The future of our people, our race depends upon it.
-This is your Brother, Aquil Aziz

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